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Facts About The Panama Canal

facts about the panama canal

A few "Fascinating Facts About The Panama Canal"..........


  • For more than 100 years the Panama Canal has been an important shipping waterway, and nowadays around 14,000 ships use the canal every year.


  • In June 1904 the United States government appointed John F. Wallace as Chief Engineer for the building of the Panama Canal. He was paid a salary of $25,000, making him the highest-paid government employee apart from the president.


  • The Panama Canal makes money by charging every ship a toll, and the largest ships can pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to pass through the canal. The lowest toll ever charged was in 1928 when an adventurer called Richard Halliburton paid just 36 cents to swim the length of the canal.


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"The Panama Canal: 66 Fascinating Facts For Kids"

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