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Facts About The Mayflower

facts about the mayflower

A few "Fascinating Facts About The Mayflower"..........


  • The Mayflower suffered many delays before setting off across the Atlantic Ocean for North America. She finally set sail from Southampton on September 16 1620.


  • The Mayflower had no cabins and people had to sleep where they could in cold, damp conditions. Several people died and two people died before they could reach America.


  • The first baby to be born after the Mayflower reached America was the son of Susanna and William White. They called him Peregrine, which means "traveler" or "pilgrim".


Why not find out even more fascinating facts about

The Mayflower? Click on the button below to get to Amazon where you can buy your copy of:





"The Mayflower: 53 Fascinating Facts For Kids"

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