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Facts About Mozart

facts about mozart

A few "Fascinating Facts About Mozart"..........


  • Mozart showed a great talent for music at a very young age, and by the age of 14 he had written over 100 compositions, including symphonies, concertos, and operas. Even at such a young age, Mozart was establishing his reputation as a composer and becoming famous throughout Europe.


  • When the great composer, Joseph Haydn, heard some of Mozart's string quartets he was so impressed that he told Mozart's father, "I swear to you before God that your son is the greatest composer I know, either personally or by reputation".


  • Mozart had a short life, dying at the age of just 35, but he wrote a vast amount of music, including 41 symphonies, 22 operas and 27 piano concertos. these numbers would have been even greater had he not died at such a young age.


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