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Facts About Joan of Arc

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A few "Fascinating Facts About Joan of Arc".......


  • Joan of Arc was born in 1412 in the village of Domremy in northeastern France. She was the daughter of Jacques d'Arc and his wife, Isabelle, and had three older brothers - Jacquemin, Jean, and Pierre - and a sister, Catherine.


  • When she was 13 years old, Joan of Arc was in her father's garden when she heard voices speaking to her. She turned to where the sound was coming from and saw a bright light, which she believed to be Saint Michael, the angel who leads God's army.


  • Joan of Arc is a national heroine in France and there are statues of her all over the country. There are even statues of her in other countries, including the United States. A statue of Joan of Arc was unveiled in 1972 in New Orleans, Louisiana - a gift from the French people to honor the city's French heritage.


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