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Facts About George Washington

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A few "Fascinating Facts About George Washington"..........


  • George Washington was born on February 22 1732 at Pope's Creek in the colony of Virginia. He was the son of Augustine Washington - a land owner and tobacco farmer - and his wife Mary.


  • In 1789 George Washington became America's first president. He served two four-year terms and was a president of the highest integrity, using his power fairly and honestly.


  • There are many monuments to George Washington throughout America. The country's capital city is named after him and is home to the 555-feet-high (170 m) Washington Monument. The state of Washington bears his name as do streets, schools and bridges all over America. His face, along with three other former presidents, is carved into the rock of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.


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"George Washington: 60 Fascinating Facts For Kids"

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