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Facts About D-Day

facts about d-day

A few "Fascinating Facts About D-Day"..........


  • The site chosen for the Invasion of Europe toward the end of World War Two was the beaches of Normandy in northern France. Although it was 100 miles (160 km) across the English Channel from Britain, it had the advantage of long, flat beaches that would be perfect for landing troops from the sea on D-Day.


  • General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the invasion forces on D-Day wanted calm seas, a full moon and cloudless skies for the invasion, and he asked weather experts to forecast the most suitable days. June 5 1944 was chosen for D-Day.


  • The largest invasion fleet ever seen reached a point 12 miles (19 km) from the Normandy coast in the early hours of June 6, having crossed the English Channel under cover of darkness. 155,000 soldiers were waiting to go ashore.


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"D-day: 58 Fascinating Facts For Kids"

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