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Facts About Apollo 11

facts about apollo 11

A few "Fascinating Facts About Apollo 11"..........


  • Like all the Apollo missions, Apollo 11 used the biggest and most powerful rocket ever built - the Saturn V. The rocket stood 363 feet (111 m) tall - as high as a 36-story building.


  • The Command Module was the nerve center of the journey to the Moon by Apollo 11. It was the only part of Saturn V that returned to Earth - all the other parts either fell back to Earth, remained in space, or were left on the Moon.


  • The Apollo 11 mission saw Neil Armstrong become the first man to walk on the the Moon. He is remembered for the famous words he spoke when he touched the surface - "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind".


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"Apollo 11: 74 Fascinating Facts For Kids"

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