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Facts About Abraham Lincoln

facts about abraham lincoln

A few "Fascinating Facts About Abraham Lincoln"..........


  • Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer before he became a politician, but as well as brains he also had brawn. He was a fine wrestler and held his own with the toughest of opponents. He became a champion wrestler, fighting over 300 times and losing just once.


  • After the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863, Lincoln traveled to the town to honor the men who had died. He gave a speech which came to be known as the "Gettysburg Address". Although it lasted less than three minutes, the Gettysburg Address has become one of the most important speeches in the history of the United States.


  • Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14 1865 by John Wilkes Booth. While attending the theater with his wife, Booth crept up behind President Lincoln and shot him in the head. There was nothing the doctors could do and the president died the next morning.


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