Fascinating Facts For Kids

Amelia Earhart
A few "Fascinating Facts About Amelia Earhart"..........
Amelia Earhart was born in Atchison, Kansas, on July 24, 1897. She was the first child of Edwin and Amy Earhart. The family was completed three years later when Muriel was born - a little sister for Amelia.
In October 1922, Amelia flew her airplane to an altitude of 14,000 feet – more than two and a half miles (4 km) high. It was higher than any female pilot had flown before, and was the first of many records that Amelia Earhart would set.
Following her successful crossing of the Atlantic in 1932, Amelia Earhart was given many awards and medals. President Herbert Hoover presented her with a National Geographic Society Gold Medal, and she became the first woman to be presented with the Distinguished Flying Cross.
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